I wish to say that on this blog, I am only including adaptations which I like, so you will not find any scathing reviews. This web site is a celebration of classic literature film adaptations and I am a “cup half full” type of girl, so my criticisms will be few and light hearted. There is so much here to appreciate and enjoy and I hope the BBC, ITV, Masterpiece Theatre et al will continue to provide us with ever more beautiful films and miniseries adaptations in the future.
So again, sit back and relax while I try to give you a new twist on your old faves and suggestions for new ones that you haven’t yet had the pleasure of watching. Please also remember that when you find a new favourite film or miniseries, it almost goes without saying that the book is as good or better than the film (with the possible exception of Tom Jones, which I found unreadable-more power to any of you who have been able to get through that one!).
I will be adding an Amazon.com store where you can find all of the adaptations for sale. Proceeds go toward supporting my blog, so any support you can give me is greatly appreciated.
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