
Sunday, March 6, 2016

Downton Abbey Season 6 Episode 8 Best Lines

Lady Edith: I'd accept him in a trice if it weren't for Marigold. If I stay silent, there's a lie at the heart of my marriage. But if I tell him the truth, will I ruin it?

Lady Cora: Make a clean breast of it. Please. You'll regret it if you don't.
Lady Edith: With my luck, I'll regret it either way.


Bertie Pelham: The 7th Marquess of Hexham weds the daughter of the 5th Earl of Grantham? What could be more suitable?

Bertie Pelmam: Won't you send me to bed happy?
Lady Edith: Sounds like an indecent proposal!

Mrs. Patmore (and everyone else at Downton Abbey): A house of ill repute????

Fits of giggles both upstairs and downstairs served as some welcome levity to this wonderful episode.

Anna: No, and I'm not laughing but...
Bates: But you're laughing.

Carson: And what makes you think you'll be any good (at teaching)?
Mr. Molesley: I don't know exactly. Perhaps because I want it so much.
Carson: There are plenty of little boys who want to be famous cricketers. It's not enough to make them champions.
Mr. Molesley: I just want to try, Mr. Carson.
Carson: And so you shall.


Ever the ray of sunshine, our Mr. Carson!

Lord Grantham (about Lady Violet): Mama is swanning around the south of France without a word to any of us.

Lady Mary: But that's absurd! If Bertie's a Marquess, then Edith...
Lord Grantham: Edith would outrank us all! Yes, that's right.

Lord Grantham: Golly gumdrops! What a turn-up.


Lord Grantham: A genuine, copper-bottomed marquess for Edith. Who'd have thought it? If anyone had told me Mary would hitch up with a mechanic and Edith would marry one of the grandest men in England, I'd have knocked them down.
Lady Cora: Mary has got rid of her mechanic and Edith is not yet married.
Lord Grantham: I know. But for poor old Edith who couldn't make her dolls do what she wanted, it is rather wonderful.

Tom: We'll all bow and curtsy to Edith. You'll enjoy that Mary.
Lady Mary: Hardly! And if Bertie IS Lord Hexham, which I still don't believe, he won't want to marry her now.
Lady Cora: Careful. People will think you're jealous dear. We don't want that.

Anna: She loves him but she can't control him. That's what frightens her. He's stronger than she is, really.
Mr. Bates: She's a bit of a bully, your Lady Mary. She likes her own way.


Tom: You're a coward Mary. Like all bullies, you're a coward.

Lady Mary: I admire you, Bertie. Not everyone would accept Edith's past.

Lady Edith: The truth is, my life was about to be perfectly wonderful and now I've thrown it all away.


Lady Edith: I know you! I know you to be a nasty, jealous, scheming bitch!
Lady Mary: Now listen, you pathetic-
Lady Edith: You're a bitch!

Lady Edith: You're wrong as you so often are. Henry's perfect for you. You're just too stupid and stuck up to see it! Still, at least he got away from you. Which is something to give thanks for, I suppose!


Oh, how I loved this episode. You ARE a nasty, jealous, scheming bitch Lady Mary. And yet you always seem to land on your feet and get what you want. Fingers crossed for Edith in the final episode.



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