
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Downton Abbey Season 6 Episode 7 Best Lines

Daisy: Oh, my God!
Mrs. Hughes: I will thank you not to take the Lord's name in vain.
Daisy: I hope it's not in vain. I need all the help I can get!

By the way, I love the way Carson really got it from the women in this episode. He has been such a jerk since he married his beloved Elsie!

Mrs. Patmore (to Daisy): Love isn't finite. If Mr. Mason makes new friends, it doesn't mean he has any less love for found the love of a father there and you can count on him.

Mr. Dawes (to Mr. Molesley): There are Oxford and Cambridge graduates who know far less than you do. You should be proud!

Violet: Do you enjoy weddings?
Isobel: Yes but I'm not going to that one. I'd feel like the wicked fairy at the christening of Sleeping Beauty!

Violet: While angry, I say things some people find hard to forgive. So I have decided to go away.  I'd rather vent my rage on the desert air...and return when I have gained control of my tongue.
Isobel: Your self-knowledge is an example to us all.

Violet: I'll call on Mrs. Cruikshank before I leave.
Isobel: I suspect she's quite a tough nut.
Violet: And I'm quite a tough nutcracker!

Violet: My reason for traveling is to make myself eager to come home. A month among the French should manage it!

Tom to Mary (on a matter of the heart): You will be hurt again and so will I because being hurt is part of being alive. But that is no reason to give up on the man who is right for you.

Mary (to Henry Talbot): I want you to have a long and happy life. Just not with me.

Lord Grantham: It was a bloody awful business. A bloody, bloody awful business.
Rosamund: The English language never lets you down.
Lord Grantham: Oh, shut up!

Bertie Pelham: If love is allowed to weigh in the balance, I've got plenty of that!

Sorry for the late posting on this wonderful Downton episode. Life got in the way.


1 comment:

  1. It was such a good episode. I'm just so sad that it's going to end.
