Pemberley (Lyme Park, Cheshire)

Pemberley (Lyme Park, Cheshire)
Oh, to be in England...

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Downton Abbey Season 6 Episode 7 Best Lines

Daisy: Oh, my God!
Mrs. Hughes: I will thank you not to take the Lord's name in vain.
Daisy: I hope it's not in vain. I need all the help I can get!

By the way, I love the way Carson really got it from the women in this episode. He has been such a jerk since he married his beloved Elsie!

Mrs. Patmore (to Daisy): Love isn't finite. If Mr. Mason makes new friends, it doesn't mean he has any less love for found the love of a father there and you can count on him.

Mr. Dawes (to Mr. Molesley): There are Oxford and Cambridge graduates who know far less than you do. You should be proud!

Violet: Do you enjoy weddings?
Isobel: Yes but I'm not going to that one. I'd feel like the wicked fairy at the christening of Sleeping Beauty!

Violet: While angry, I say things some people find hard to forgive. So I have decided to go away.  I'd rather vent my rage on the desert air...and return when I have gained control of my tongue.
Isobel: Your self-knowledge is an example to us all.

Violet: I'll call on Mrs. Cruikshank before I leave.
Isobel: I suspect she's quite a tough nut.
Violet: And I'm quite a tough nutcracker!

Violet: My reason for traveling is to make myself eager to come home. A month among the French should manage it!

Tom to Mary (on a matter of the heart): You will be hurt again and so will I because being hurt is part of being alive. But that is no reason to give up on the man who is right for you.

Mary (to Henry Talbot): I want you to have a long and happy life. Just not with me.

Lord Grantham: It was a bloody awful business. A bloody, bloody awful business.
Rosamund: The English language never lets you down.
Lord Grantham: Oh, shut up!

Bertie Pelham: If love is allowed to weigh in the balance, I've got plenty of that!

Sorry for the late posting on this wonderful Downton episode. Life got in the way.



  1. It was such a good episode. I'm just so sad that it's going to end.


  2. is good, thats why i have read it fully.




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