
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Downton Abbey Season 4 Episode 5

SPOILER ALERT! This post is intended for those who have already seen Season 4 Episode 5

Poor, poor Daisy. The ones she loves never love her back, and the man who adored her (remember her "husband" William?) not only didn't get Daisy's love, but died in Season 2. More tears. So is Alfred gone for good now?

And no sympathy for Ivy who discovered that Jimmy wanted "things no man should ask for before he's married." And I thought Daisy was a simple Yorkshire lass!

Hurrah! Molesley is back in the Abbey! Albeit with white gloves on, but that is soooo much better than shoveling gravel. Isn't it??

And now how many suitors does Mary have? Is that 3 now? Let's see...Anthony Gillingham is engaged but that doesn't count him out...Evelyn Napier wasn't scared off by the fact that anyone who sleeps with Lady Mary dies...and now we have Charles Blake/Andrew Foyle  in the mix. Since he is the least interested in Lady Mary of the three, he will be the one she falls for...according to the Daisy principle.

I have to say that the predictable kissing scene between Lady Rose and Jack Ross the band leader was WAY eclipsed by Carson asking him about Africa. Good one Carson!

Oh dear, Edith is pregnant, as Lord Julian Fellowes foreshadowed so obviously last week. Will this girl never learn? And her Michael Palin chappie has gone missing in Germany. Sigh! But at least she is getting some lovely headbands and hair ornaments to go with her vastly improved wardrobe.

Lady Cora gets a prize for putting the uppity maitre d' in his place but bad timing on cutting in on the serious conversation at the Bates table. And Bates is getting ever more murderous. Are we sure he didn't off his first wife? I am starting to wonder!

And more awkward dancing by Tom Branson with elderly ladies. Can we get this hunk of man someone decent to keep him happy at Downton? And will Dr. Death finally get Isobel to marry him at last? He sure is making a hash of it so far. By the way, kudos to Isobel for her detective work on the King of Sweden knife. But the big award goes to Violet for staying one step ahead of her (polite applause). I'd say that was game, set and match to Lady Grantham!

Best lines of the week:

Bates: Your husband is a brooder. And brooders brood.

Countess Violet: I wonder you don't set fire to the Abbey and dance round it, painted with woad and howling.

Isobel: How you hate to be wrong.
Countess Violet: I wouldn't know. I'm not familiar with the sensation.

Carson: You're nervous because you are intelligent Alfred. Only stupid people are foolhardy.

Mrs. Patmore: I like that Rudolph Valentino. He makes me shiver all over.
Carson: What a very disturbing thought.

Countess Violet: It is her fuel. I mean some people run on greed, lust, even love. She runs on indignation. (in reference to Isobel)

Lady Edith: Who is this singer and how did he get here? Isn't it rather odd?
Lord Grantham: No, I think it's fun.
Countess Violet: My dear, we country dwellers must beware of being provincial. Try and let your time in London rub off on you a little more.

Evelyn Napier: Is this your first experience of jazz Lady Grantham?
Countess Violet: Oh, is that what it is? Do you think any of them know what the others are playing?

TTFN and see you next week!


  1. I think that you did a very good job of picking out the best lines. :)
    I love Branson! I think that he does need someone too, but I'm not sure who would work. He's not lower class and he's not aristocracy... Where does he really sit in the class divide now? I'm not sure. At the same time, I don't want him to move on because I still grieve for Sybil... But I know he can't be single forever so I suppose I'm almost ready for him to move on... Maybe in the next season.

  2. I'm really starting to depend on your Monday morning review of DA so I can relive the best bits.

    Yes, Edith is pregnant--my guess this week is that Aunt Rosamond is going to help her get rid of the baby, which will forever alienate her from her family.

    Daisy needs a man!

    Love that Dowager Countess.

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