
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Downton Abbey Season 4 Episode 1

SPOILER ALERT! This post is intended for those who have already seen Season 4 Episode 1

So O'Brien has now scarpered off to India with Lady Susan, and left her nephew Alfred and Lady Susan's daughter Rose to deal with all of the questions. I suppose that is a promising start to the new season. But who will conspire with Thomas now that Susan (?!) O'Brien is gone and by the way, where has Thomas's creepy black glove gone?

Mary is still depressed over Matthew's death which is fair enough, but we want the flinty bitch back don't we? Well, I do anyway. Although her lugubrious float down the gorgeous stairway was something to behold, it will be great to see her messing with other women's men again. I hope she leaves poor Edith alone however. It was hopeful to see Mary moving from full black to purple (only half-mourning!) at the tenant's lunch and asking about sheep farming. Look out Robert!

Speaking of Edith, she seems to have become a 1920s fashion plate does she not? The half-mourning purples and greys at the beginning of the episode were gorgeous and then she got pretty risque with the full frontal flapper gear by the end. Go Edith! But please spare us the face sucking with your Mr. Rochester/Michael Palin look alike. Not in public anyway. What would the Dowager Duchess say?

I am not sure what the plans are for the Rose character, but I did enjoy seeing her try to impersonate a Yorkshire housemaid, accent and all. Although the brawl at the thé dansant was a bit much, I would have loved to see Rose and Anna in the paddy wagon!

The love triangle (quadrangle?) below stairs is getting a bit tedious. Daisy is the Edith of the kitchen, just wanting someone to love her. Molesley is as pathetic as usual, and how did he get himself that much into debt if he was living at Downton the entire time? And the unconnected Mr. Grigg storyline was a bit odd, but the resolution in 30 seconds on the railway platform was wonderful. Great to see Mrs. Hughes sticking her nose into everyone else's business. But must we have Edna Braithwaite back again? Ugh!

The two best reappearances were the yellow labrador Isis and the stuffed doggy/rabitty thing which made it's way back to Mary. Hurrah! I hope we see lots of both of these important characters in the future.

Best lines:

Dowager Countess Violet: I sometimes wonder if (Mr. Lloyd George) isn't really German, just pretending to be Welsh?

Dowager Countess Violet: It's the job of grandmothers to interfere!

Mrs. Patmore: Nothing's as changeable as a young man's heart. Take hope and a warning from that.

Nanny West: You wicked little cross-breed!

Dowager Countess Violet: Just because you're an old widow, I see no necessity to eat off a tray.

Ta-ta for now. See you all next week!


  1. Great wrap-up! I agree about the Mr. Grigg storyline being unconnected and yes the love-triangle will hopefully go somewhere soon. It has been carrying on the same for months, maybe years! :) Eventually someone will get tired of someone else you'd think! Felt bad for poor Mr. Mosely, loved how Bates got involved though!

  2. Great post, Jenny. As you know, I love period drama and couldn't miss Downton Abbey. I've seen the whole series 4 already, Xmas special included. I won't spoil anything for those like you who still have to discover what is giong to come but... May I only say I was/am a bit disappointed? Season 5 will be back on ITV next autumn, let's hope it'll be good!

    1. Hi Maria Grazia. Thanks for the lovely comment. I have also seen the whole of series 4. It was a little bumpy, but I did really like the way the Christmas special ended. Perhaps to make up for the horrible ending on Christmas day last year???
      Yes, fingers crossed for next season. Have you seen Death Comes to Pemberley? I hear it is fairly good. I didn't like the book, but I looooove Anna Maxwell Marting!

  3. Off-topic comment, but there is a GREAT modern adaptation of P&P on YouTube. It's 100 episodes long (each episode lasting 3 - 7 minutes) and I honestly think they did a wonderful job at it. They kept it very modern, but without detracting from the original story.
    They're also currently adapting Emma for a YouTube webseries, and I have fallen in love with that too (especially since Mr Knightley is my ideal man)

    Here is the link for "The Lizzie Bennet Diaries" if you have not already seen it:

    1. Hi Knookey. Thanks for the link to The Lizzie Bennet Diaries. I know there are lots of fans of that webseries. Glad to hear they are doing a modern Emma too. Although I still love Bridget Jones and Clueless as modern P&P/Emma adaptations. There can never be enough, period or modern! :)
