
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Austenland! Finally!

I FINALLY got to see Austenland, the much anticipated and much delayed film about an Austen fan who blows all of her savings on a vacation to a Jane Austen theme park in England. Based on the book of the same name by Shannon Hale, directed by Jerucha Hess (Napolean Dynamite)  and produced by Stephanie Meyer (Twilight) this one was filmed at least 2 years ago.

So you can understand my trepidation in viewing Austenland, especially considering the mixed reviews it was getting. So it is with great relief that I can tell you that rest assured, if you are reading my blog, you will like this film. It is all a matter of matching the consumer to the product in this case. If you are a random person off of the street (especially a male used to action films) you will be unlikely to appreciate this tongue-in-cheek romp of a movie.

However, if you have ever wondered, even fleetingly, what it would be like to step into the pages of a Jane Austen novel, then you are likely thinking that if this place were real, you would be booking a ticket. OK the thought has possibly crossed my mind before!

I won't give any spoilers, but Keri Russell does a great job as the main character Jane and the two love interests, JJ Feild and Bret McKenzie were already two of my favourite actors even before Austenland. Jennifer Coolidge of course steals every scene she is in. The whole cast seemed to be having a blast filming Austenland, which only adds to the viewers' enjoyment.

The supporting cast is marvelous too with Jane Seymour as the snooty proprietress of the theme park. Rupert Vansittart (Four Weddings and a Funeral, Pride and Prejudice 1995) and James Callis (Tom from Bridget Jones) were wonderful additions and nods to some of the films we know and love so well.

So in conclusion, it's not high art but it is a hoot and well worth seeing. Enjoy!


P.S. There is a tour company in England called P&P Tours which will take you to a lot of the filming locations of your fave Period Dramas including Downton Abbey and P&P 95. The link is here:

P.P.S. My previous blog post about my desire for a real Austenland is here along with a link to Regency House Party


  1. Replies
    1. I hope you like it Jenny. I have one commenter who liked it, and one who really didn't. :)

  2. This movie is a waste of time and an insult to anyone who would label themselves a Janeite. Seeing it once was more than enough for me.

    1. Thanks for your input. Apparently not your cup of tea.

  3. I actually loved the film. It was hysterically funny. It is not everyone's cup of tea obviously. I don't worship Jane Austen as I feel some have gotten to that point. I do enjoy her work tremendously. I have read all her works but I didn't really enjoy her juvenalia...I felt it was harsh and mean spirited tho' most people would say she wrote it all in fun. I think even Jane Austen herself would have found this take on her work funny. I saw it twice with different friends. They all loved it also. I hope to see it again. Some of the ludicrous stuff does get a bit old the second time around but when there is so much sadness or unhappiness in the world daily that it was great fun to sit and laugh.

    1. Hi Suzan. Glad you liked it too. I agree with you and also with Elizabeth Bennet. "I dearly love a laugh!"

  4. Thanks! I don't want to drive away your other I'm sorry I was a little over zealous.

  5. This movie was hilarious! I laughed out loud so many times!

  6. I just saw it last week and fell in love with it and with JJ FEILD !!!!
    I talk about it on my blog if you want :
