
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Lorna Doone 2000

Lorna Doone is a 2000 BBC adaptation of the classic Victorian novel by Richard Dodderidge Blackmore. Never heard of it? Neither had I until I stumbled upon this very enjoyable DVD. OK, stumbled upon is not quite right...I had to order a used copy from EBay. It is very hard to get a hold of this DVD, but well worth the search.

For those who don't know the story, John Ridd (Richard Coyle of Coupling, W.E. and the ginger Mr. Coxe of Wives and Daughters) is the son of a farmer who was murdered by one of the notorious (formerly noble but now outlaw) Doone clan of Exmoor Devon.

He unwittingly falls desperately in love with the lovely Lorna Doone, kin of his sworn enemies. I won't spoil the rest for you. It's a great romp set during the period when King Charles II dies and there is a scramble for the throne between the Duke of Monmouth and James II, who of course ruled briefly from 1685 to 1688 at which time he was deposed in the Glorious Revolution in favour of William of Orange and Mary. But enough of the history, the film is great! Lorna is played by Amelia Warner who is gorgeous and was seen very briefly as the teen Fanny Price in Mansfield Park 1999.

Other reasons to see this are the fact that the two sisters of John Ridd are played by Joanna Frogatt (Anna Bates of Downton Abbey) and the delightfully named Honeysuckle Weeks (Sam from Foyle's War).

Not only do we know John Ridd's sisters from some fave Period Dramas, but his mother is played by the delightful Barbara Flynn (Wives and Daughters, Cranford and Miss Potter). One actor I didn't recognize was Anthony Calf as the former highwayman Tom Faggus, love interest of Honeysuckle Weeks. He is well disguised and looks nothing like Colonel Fitzwilliam of P&P 1995!

But of course Michael Kitchen can't be missed as Judge Jeffreys, even in a 17th century wig. That thing must weigh 10 pounds!

And then we have the ridiculously young and girlish James McAvoy as the love interest of Joanna Froggatt's character. He is adorable!!!!

And even a big wig and mustachio cannot conceal the wonderful Martin Clunes as John's friend-to-the end Jeremy Stickles.

Fans of Aiden Gillen (Game of Thrones) will enjoy him as the heir to the evil Doone empire, Carver Doone.

So find this and see it if you can. It is a wonderful and rather unknown (if star studded) Period Drama. Two teacups way up!!! And yes, Lorna Doone is also the name of a shortbread cookie from Nabisco. Two cookies way up also!



  1. Dear Jenny,
    I know the story only by a summary of the book. And the movie, by some photos. Apparently, it was the Richard Coyle's first movie, who is a very interesting actor! It will not be easy for me to find the DVD in France too.

  2. Yes, this is indeed a lovely adaptation (I've read the book) - and I only want to add that I thought the music was lovely also! :)

    LRK, or Lark

  3. I recall watching it briefly. That was a decade ago. I never gave it another glimpse tho' and now that you've mentioned all these actors that we are so familiar with I'm going to try and watch it again. Those photos you included were great. I never would have dreamed all those great period actors were in this.

  4. I have just come across this link whilst looking up info on Lorna Doone, I am off on a camping trip tomorrow to Oare (also known as "Doone Valley) in Devon, England. I really do recommend reading the book it's a great read. I haven't seen the film yet but will do after reading your description.
