
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Anne of Green Gables for a Happy Mother's Day

Recently I have been enjoying reading Anne of the Island on my e-reader (I got the Kobo Glow as it lets me read in the middle of the night without turning the light on...genius!!). I adored these books when I was a girl and although I reread Anne of Green Gables a few years ago, I hadn't reread any of the sequels. Imagine my delight when I found I could get some of them free for my Kobo! L.M. Montgomery's entire library is available at but I haven't figured out how to get them from the epub file to my Kobo. Anyone?

Anyway, this week on an evening when I was thoroughly disgusted with the offerings on television and in need of some soul soothing after a long day, I remembered that I hadn't watched the sequels to Anne of Green Gables when I ordered the huge boxed set of DVDs about 2 years ago (I just watched the wonderful original at the time). What is it that makes me buy a DVD and then put it away for a year or two? On the upside, it's like treasure hunting sometimes when I hunt through my DVD collection!

I think maybe I thought that Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel would be a let down. Well, I am enjoying it immensely! They did mess with the story a bit and I truly lament the fact that there is no Patty's Place in this version but it is so well done otherwise and Megan Follows truly is our Canadian Anne of Prince Edward Island! We love her here in Canada and I think she has captured the hearts of viewers world wide (there is quite an Anne following in Japan!)

Well, this post (along with reading the books again and watching the films) have been my mother's day treat to myself. In closing I would like to put forth the idea that perhaps the time has come to film Anne again for another generation. What do you think my dear readers? I love the version from the 1980s but the scenery of PEI is so gorgeous and film making has gotten better over the last few decades. Do you think we could find two actors who could play Anne and Gilbert as well as Megan Follows and Jonathan Crombie?

Happy Mother's Day to you all whether you are a mother or have ever had a mother!

P.S. I believe the let down is the third installment of the Anne films called Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story from 2000. It was an entirely fabricated story and is not as beloved as the first two. I'll still watch it anyway!


  1. Agreed, agreed! I love Patty's Place and it's such a bummer that that portion of the story is omitted (including Phil!). Miss Lavender and Charlotta the fourth are also sadly omitted. It might seem odd, but I'd love for another rendition to include the death of Ruby Gillis. Her health decline and death give her character depth; it moves her away from being a caricature. Her death had a profound impact on Anne. As a reader I really felt the bittersweetness.

    As for the Continuing Story, it is not only fabricated but the acting is completely different. I think first two installments are sweet and simple which make them charming and endearing. But it just feels like they tried too hard with the third one. I've only watched bits of it because I couldn't make myself sit through it but it's been several year since I tried so perhaps I shouldn't judge so harshly. I'd love to hear your take on it.

    Thanks for sharing about your mothers' day treats. Mine were German Chocolate cupcakes and North and South (2004). I'm not a mother but I was missing mine so the treats were needed :)

    1. Hi Alayna! Hope the cupcakes were good! I did finally watch the Continuing Story last week. I tried to like it, and I'm pretty easy to please, but I cannot recommend it. I had it with the box set, and parts of it were good, but it just got silly. Anne was like some kind of action hero! Poor Megan Follows!
      Well, that means they really should have tried to film Anne's House of Dreams. Why didn't they???

  2. What a nice present to yourself! I love the films but have to admit I haven't read the books. The movies rank as some of my favorite. I have fond memories of my entire family watching them together. pEI is so beautiful! Its hard tk imagine an update but maybe its time.

    1. Hi Jane. You are so lucky! You will have the joy of reading the Anne of Green Gables books for the first time as an adult. I was so young that I don't remember my initial reaction, but I found every LM Montgomery book my library had, so I must have loved them right off the bat.

      Have run reading the books. Your heart will soar! :)

      And yes, I was in PEI once for a day and can't wait to go back someday. I have a jar of red soil on my kitchen window sill to remind me!

  3. I love the Anne books and movies, although I spared myself the last one. Thank goodness I heard on the internet what a mess it was.

    Anne of the Island is just about my favorite of the books and I'll never understand why they didn't include it in the Anne movies. Oh well. Megan Follows is Anne.

    1. Hi Jane. I finally watched the third one (The Continuing Story). I got hopeful at one or two points but it got so ridiculous it was almost funny. Almost...Keep giving it a pass.

      I know it's hard to imagine anyone other than Megan Follows as Anne but if they ever do another one, I hope they do it right! The prequel wasn't good either as I recall.

  4. I love these movies! Well, not the third one, as I haven't seen it... I did see the "prequel" one and it was pretty... horrid, really.

    Talking of Megan Follows, and costume drama, though, do you know that she's been cast in the CW's Reign?

    I suspect it's basically going to be "Mary, Queen of Scots - the Teenage Years" - but, hey! - surely there'll be at least a pretty dress or two on display?;)

    Also, I wonder if you've seen the trailer for NBC's Dracula?

    - starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers. Now, my love of costume drama is pretty equally balanced by my loathing of vampires... But, again, pretty dresses. :) (Yes, I'm shallow.:))

    LRK, or Lark

    1. Hello Lark, my friend! Give the third one a wide berth. I finally saw it. El Stinko!!!

      Thanks for the update on Megan Follows. CBS is in my good books since Jonny Lee Miller's Elementary turned out to be really good. Here's hoping! I just saw Katherine Hepburn playing the Scottish Mary on TBS on the weekend. It got me in the mood!

      I am so glad that someone else loathes vampires (I really don't get it, or zombies for that matter!). But you know me, I love pretty dresses too!!! :)

      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. I LOVE Anne- all the books and the first two movies. I adore Megan Fellows as Anne. I am a huge fan of Colleen Duhurst as Marilla too. Since you are in the reading mood... check out L.M. Montgomery's Blue Castle, Kilmeny of the Orchard, and Magic for Marigold. They are delightful and wish Blue Castle especially would be made into a movie. All of her books are awesome!

    1. Hi Anon. Yes I think an LM Montgomery read-a-thon would be a great way to spend the summer. My e-reader will be thrilled!

      I read a very well written biography of LMM a few years ago. It was rather depressing. The poor woman! I should have read your suggestions instead. Her imagination was a much lovelier place than her real life.

      Thanks for commenting!

  6. Your blog is really a treasure box. Again and again I find themes, I truly love. In my students time, I read all the books, but didn't like all of them, the first best and then "Rilla of Ingleside" second best. I love the movies and bought them as DVD's some years ago, to watch them again and again, when I am in need for a peaceful world. From the third movie, I only saw some scenes on youtube... well...

    But especially the first is my favorite with that great actor Richard Farnthworth who is playing Mathew Cusbert. Until he died, I love the movie best, those beautiful landscapes and the Avonlee world. Just balm for the soul :)

    1. Hi Hilde! Thanks so much! You are a kindred spirit. I hope you get to Canada to see PEI. I have only been "down East" as we call it here once, but I could spend a summer there easily. And yes, the Matthew Cuthbert of the films is as heart warming as it gets. :)
