
Friday, December 28, 2012

10 Most Popular Posts of 2012

#1. Yes, ladies my number one most popular post of the year was the rather attractive and talented Tom Hiddleston. He has quite a following now after an exciting few years starring in The Avengers (Loki), War Horse and Midnight in Paris. He was already on my top 10 list for Miss Austen Regrets and Cranford. You will see much more of this talented actor in the future!

#2. The hunks were ruling this year with Jonny Lee Miller coming in second. He had quite a year as well, with his take on Sherlock Holmes, Elementary, set in NYC with a female Watson (Lucy Liu) doing quite well on CBS. Elementary is absolutely worth seeing, although as you can see from the photo above, he will always be Mr. Knightley to me (but his Edmund Bertram was pretty hot too)!

#3. Again, here we have another cutie. Matthew Macfadyen was wonderful in Anna Karenina in which he was working again with Keira Knightley and Joe Wright from Pride and Prejudice 2005. You will see him again soon in Ripper Street, as a Victorian police detective working on the Jack the Ripper case. I have to say that his role as Sir Felix Carbury in The Way We Live Now is still one of his best, IMHO.

#4. Michael Gambon was my fourth most popular post of 2012. He certainly belongs in my hall of fame with his appearances in Emma, Wives and Daughters, Gosford Park, Cranford, and The King's Speech among many other period drama roles.

#5. Great Expectations 2011/2012: Battle of the Miss Havishams was my 5th most popular blog post. I still can't comment on the Ralph Fiennes/ Helena Bonham Carter version as it has not yet had a wide release in North America. Here's hoping we get to see it in 2013. The miniseries version with Gillian Anderson was very good. Not earth shattering, but very good.

#6. One of my favourite posts of the year was a comparison of Sense and Sensibility 1995 vs 2008. Lots of comments on this post as so many of my readers have a definite opinion on which is the best version! And there was not a consensus of opinion by the way. Just what I was hoping for. A spirited discussion, as both versions are worthy of the designation of "best".

#7.  Although Benedict Cumberbatch was in the public eye for much of this year for his modern day Sherlock series, I prefer him in his many period roles. Although perhaps not in a powdered wig. And yet, the longer I stare at that photo, the hotter he seems to get...
Other films to get your Cumberbatch fix include Atonement, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy and War Horse. Yum!

#8.  Happily, Castle Howard was my 8th most popular post of 2012. One of the most wonderful locations for shooting period drama, it is a main character in both Brideshead Revisited versions as well as the brilliant The Buccaneers from 1995. Having been there myself a few years ago, it is well worth the visit.

#9.  Romola Garai is one of the best actresses in England today. The fact that she does lots of period work is very lucky for a fan like me. Emma, Daniel Deronda, Amazing Grace, Atonement, Vanity Fair, I Capture the Castle...the list goes on and on. That reminds me, I still haven't seen her in The Hour. It looks brilliant!

#10.  Last but not least, Helen Mirren gets the nod as my 10th most popular post this year. Well deserved for films such as The Queen, Elizabeth I, The Last Station, Gosford Park and The Passion of Ayn Rand. I can't wait to see her with Anthony Hopkins in Hitchcock.


  1. Thanks Jenny. It has been a woneedful year for period drama. Topped off by the brilliant Les Miserable. I just saw it, and it was fantastic. I was a little concerned that the acting would suffer due to the directors decision to go with live vocals for all the singing, but the acting was top notch, with Hugh Jackson giving a stand out performance.

    1. Hi Olga! Glad to hear that you liked Les Mis. It is on my list along with The Hobbit (as you know I have a weakness for Richard Armitage).
      Here's to another good year for period drama. Things are looking good for 2013!

  2. You must see The Hour! ;) It's an incredible story-line. I've seen the first season and am waiting for the 2nd to release on DVD.

    1. Hello Katherine. Now I REALLY want to see The Hour. Thanks for your input. There are not enough hours in the day for all the great stuff out there. Cheers!

  3. Excellent list! Good to go back and re-read those posts. I really enjoy your blog. BTW, I hope you're not disappointed by the Hobbit - the lovely Richard is barely recognisable in all his dwarfish get-up, beard, wig and all.

    1. Thanks Judith. Ah, but the voice of the lovely Richard! I just hope I can stay awake for 3 hours.

  4. Love your list! Love JLM, RG and MM. I might visit Castle Howard one day, although I have never seen Brideshead Revisited, is it any good? Your blog is my favourite! xx

    1. Thanks Kate! You are my most loyal fan. All the best in 2013. And Castle Howard is well worth going. Brideshead Revisited is worth seeing. The miniseries is better but is goes on for hours and hours. The Emma Thompson version is pretty good. My fave location for the castle however is The Buccaneers. If you haven't seen that you must. And the Duke's residence in that is Castle Howard so you get to see a lot of it.

    2. Thank you for your recommendations. I have never seen The Buccaneers.I don't live too far away from Castle Howard. Here's to 2013!! xx

  5. It's easy to see why these were your top 10--exceptionally talented actors in fabulous adaptations.

    I'm hoping to see Anna Karenina soon so I can comment knowledgeably about it!

    Best wishes for a wonderful new year!

    1. Hi Jane. Yes, my readers have very good taste in actors and films. I want to see AK again just for the visual feast! And the book is on my new Kobo now. Happy 2013!

  6. Happy New Year, Jenny! Hope 2013 is a lovely year for you and your family! xx

  7. Ahhh, Romola. She is perfection in all she does. Her latest, The Hour, is really not to be missed. It's sharp and sexy and smart. I also adored her role as Sugar in the Crimson Petal and the White. Gillian Anderson is terrifying in it. I would highly recomment the book. Romola was prefectly cast.

    1. Yes, Romola was wonderful in Crimson Petal and the White. It might not be everyone's cup of tea but I thought it was amazing. I haven't read the book so thanks for the recommendation. And I really need to get my hands on The Hour!
