
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Georgette Heyer Film: Sign My Petition Please!

How many of you wonderful readers are Georgette Heyer fans? OK, I see a lot of enthusiastic hands waving! We love her, right? And you have all thought that they would make great film adaptations right? So let's try to do something about it.

Apparently there are people out there somewhere who have the film rights to her books. Rumour has it that the film rights for the books have been sold but no films are being made! Here is a quote from the website

"Choosy Productions in the UK have the film rights to all Heyer books except 'The Grand Sophy' and 'These Old Shades' which are owned by a company in the USA"

So let's demand a film adaptation (OK, ask politely and promise to pay to see it?).

Here is the link to my petition. It will only take you a minute and it may result in an actual film. How cool would it be if we used the internet and social media to let the film makers know that there is an audience out there waiting for a Heyer film and then they actually made it? Very cool!

So here it is Georgette Heyer fans!

Please leave a comment either here or on the petition about which book you would most like brought to the big screen? I will start out by saying that Venetia is my fave but I would love ANY of her books on film!

P.S. If anyone knows who has the film rights to Georgette Heyer's novels so that we can petition them directly, please let me know. The idea is to let them know that there is a ready made audience waiting patiently...


  1. Signed! What it be wonderful to have these brought to film or video!

    1. Hi Jane! Thanks for signing the petition. The world would be a better place with a Georgette Heyer novel adapted for film!

  2. What a beautiful idea! It was so easy to sign.

    1. Thanks Mom Wald. Fingers crossed that someone with film rights hears us!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks for starting the petition Jenny!

    ps...Just finished watching Fortysomething, and Salmon Fishing in the Yemen. Thanks for the suggestion. Loved them both.

    1. Thanks Olga for signing it! You love Venetia too? Actually I would love any of her novels to be adapted for the screen. I am reading The Grand Sophy again right now and have a stack others waiting and inspiring my campaign! Glad you liked the suggestions too.

  5. Actually I have a confession to make. I haven't read any of her books...but you seem so enthusiastic, and you've never steered me wrong in movie choices, so I'm pretty sure I would enjoy seeing an adaption of one of her books. They are on my reading list however, and I will start with Venetia, if I ever get through "Little Dorrit." I'm really enjoying it, but alas finding time to read is a difficulty. Thank goodness for the bus ride home;)

    1. Olga- Little Dorrit is a great book but it is very long. Tell me if you were a bit confused at the end too-I had to read the ending twice!
      You will love Georgette Heyer when you get to her. They are like little movie scripts in themselves and they are wickedly funny. You have so much fun ahead (and they are quick reads, unlike Dickens!)

    2. Just finished "The Grand Sophy." Absolutely loved it. Nearly lost it when S shoots C!!! Too funny. Would dearly love to see a movie of this book. Reminded me of a 1930's screwball comedy. Kept picturing Katherine Hepburn and Cary Grant as the leads.

  6. I love so many of Heyer's works it would be hard to narrow down to a first to adapt to film. Quiet Gentleman maybe.

  7. Signed it.:) What a wonderful idea - and I mean, why not? What do we have to lose? The worst that could happen is that no movie gets made - and that's what's been happening - or not happening - anyway, so...

    As per habit, I apparently got too babbly, and I couldn't fit in all I wanted to say. After the bit where I mentioned that "Devil's Cub" is my most favourite, but that my other favourites were too numerous to mention, I meant to say that I'd be happy with a dramatisation of any of her books...


  8. Innumerable Heyer readers desperately want films and love to discuss their favoured book, actors and locations.
    Though, there is also a great case to make for a television series. Which would be better?
    There actually was one truly awful B&W film made of The Reluctant Widow. It periodically surfaces on late nights as a filler here in Australia.
    Also, there was a German fim, Die Bezaubernde Arabella, a German version of Arabella. No-one seems know much about it, alas.

  9. their adaptations in mini series would be a treat to watch if screenplays are written close to what's written in the books....hoping for the best.....

  10. I wish it were a series. They could use the same costumes, sets, and crew, and just keep filming until they have adapted ALL of the books!!

  11. They keep remaking the Austen works, but nary any of the works of the historical novels of Georgette Heyer.

    Brilliant idea to create a series of the adaptation of the books -- much like the Agatha Christie Poirot series. Definitely think a series would work better than stand alone movies.

  12. How lovely it would be to see Georgette Heyer's works on film (T.V.) and DVD's. Why is this not happening ???
