
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Kate and Leopold 2001

Kate and Leopold 2001 with Meg Ryan and Hugh Jackman

Kate and Leopold is a lovely light romantic comedy involving time travel. And the best thing about it is Hugh Jackman. If the look on his face in the photo above doesn't have you weak in the knees, well perhaps you need a few hours with this film.

"Fresh creamery butter. Is there anything more comforting? I say there is." And his name is Hugh. Hugh Jackman.

A duke on a white horse. Are we being manipulated here? I do not care.

Kate: I don't want it to be Sunday. I want more of this, more 1876.

Dinner on the roof? Prince Charming....

Leopold: Where I come from the meal is the result of reflection and study. Menus are prepared in advance, timed to perfection. It is said that without the culinary arts, the crudeness of reality would be unbearable. 

He refuses...respectfully.

Leopold: Are you suggesting madam that there exists a law compelling a gentleman to lay hold of canine bowel movements?
Police Officer: I'm suggesting that you pick the poop up.

Charlie and Stuart. You have to go now Kate!

Stuart: Theoretically, if you go to the past in the future, then your future lies in the past. This is a picture of you in the future - in the past. 


Charlie: You want to vex my sister!

Miss Tree of the Trees of Schenectady
Miss Tree: I've never been to England but father's teeth were made there.
Leopold: He's quite rich, your father.
Miss Tree: Oh, yes.

Best apology note ever

Dearest Katherine,
    I behaved as an imbecile last night, animated in part by drink, in part by your beauty,and in part by my own foolish pride. And for that, I am profoundly sorry. Please accept, as a gesture of apology, a private dinner on the rooftop tonight at eight o'clock .
                                                                  Yours truly, Leopold 

A man in a cravat and knee high boots. Yum!

Kate: People might think I'm brave, but I'm not.
Leopold: [quoting Thucydides] "The brave are simply those with the clearest vision of what is before them - glory and danger alike - and, notwithstanding, go out to meet it."

Kate McKay of the McKays of Massapequa

Kate: She was a real romantic, my mom. When Prince Charles and Lady Di got married, she had a party, she made crumpets and jam. It was like a Super Bowl party, but for moms. She cried for a week.
Leopold: I don't know the story of Prince Charles and Lady Di.
Kate: Oh, you don't want to. It's a cautionary tale, further proof.
Leopold: Of what?
Kate: You can't live a fairy tale.


So, on goes my phase of light romantic comedies. Don't overthink this film and for heaven's sake, don't go looking up Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany on Wikipedia. It's a big disappointment. Trust me, I just looked him up. NOT Hugh Jackman! Although the real Duke went to Cambridge. So perhaps he could quote Thucydides and sweep a girl off her feet after all. Who knows? But I doubt it.


  1. I love the quote about the Royal Wedding being like the "Superbowl for moms"! Remind you of anyone??? The fact that we were together for two generations of Royal Weddings (if only by phone) for the play-by-play colour commentary, binds us together for life ... oh, yes, and the fact that we're sisters!
    I have to admit that I have only seen Kate and Leopold once (probably back in 2001 when I was pregnant with Julia) and I promise to give it another go - I can't remember much about it, so it must have been erased from the long-term memory bank when "mom-brain" set in. I'll watch it again and let you know what I think - Hugh Jackman IS very dashing in top boots!

    1. Totally worth seeing just for Hugh Jackman. And he seems like such a nice guy. I could use a bit more 1876 in my life too!
      I hope we are around in 30 odd years for the wedding of the next heir to the throne. And maybe it will be a female this time!
      We'll have to have coronation parties in the meantime:)

  2. My husband & I totally think this is a cute movie. Just the fact that he'll watch a movie with a man in clothing from 1876 is a boon for me. Funny thing is he loves this flick but doesn't really care for my Austen etc. or so he says. We've watched this one over and over. There are so many funny lines. I loved the elevator part. Took me a minute to figure out what they were saying with that one. The butter commercial is hysterical. And just the fact that they think he's so good at staying in character is fun. I love when he gives the kid brother suggestions on wooing the women he's interested in. The romance is lovely with the dinner on the roof and when she falls asleep on him on the (what is that the fire escape). The differences in food and making toast for breakfast is fun. I think when Leopold puts Kate's boss on the spot is absolutely great. Too many funny parts to mention. The whole cast really pulls it together. It's light, clean (mostly) and funny.

  3. you just have to love him when - "He refuses...respectfully" i like Meg - her characters always attract such adorable men.

  4. New follower chiming in...

    I LOVE this movie! And, apparently, Hugh Jackman's wife loved it when he'd bring this character home with him, too. :D

  5. I wish they'd made a sequel - it would have been fun to follow Kate's adventures in the 1870s... But since they never did I suppose that I will have to console myself with sour-grapism and conclude that it's as well, and that they'd probably just have messed it up, and that maybe it's best as is... Sigh. Would have been fun, though, don't you think?:)


  6. As I said above, I think the male lead steals the show. I also thought the film had a superb supporting cast. Loved the brother, loved Liev, loved the cop with the eye rolls. Really cute movie.

  7. Hugh jackman would be great as sylvester - heyer fan

  8. Someone shoot her hairdresser.

    She hasn't had decent hair since When Harry Met Sally.
