
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Jonny Lee Miller- Actor of the Week

Jonny Lee Miller
Jonny Lee Miller has been in some pretty wonderful period dramas. His Mr. Knightley in the 2009 version of Jane Austen's Emma opposite Romola Garai was pretty unforgettable. I didn't think anyone could replace Jeremy Northam as my fave Knightley but I was oh so wrong!

Jonny Lee Miller as Mr. Knightley in Emma 2009. Nice cravat!
If there is anyone out there who hasn't seen the 2009 BBC version of Jane Austen's Emma with Romola Garai, you have a real treat in store. Although my sister prefers the 1996 cinematic version with Gwyneth Paltrow and Jeremy Northam (which I still absolutely enjoy), if I could only have one Emma it would be the 2009 version. Both Jonny Lee Miller and Romola Garai do an amazing job and have great chemistry together. The locations and cinematography are pretty awesome too.

Jonny Lee Miller as Lord Byron
If you like your JLM a bit wilder than Mr. Knightley, as Lord Byron (Byron 2003) he is definitely "mad, bad and dangerous to know". Not many people saw this one, but apparently he did a pretty good job. Any of my readers see it? Did you like it?

Jonny Lee Miller and Frances O'Connor in Mansfield Park 1999
I know that the Jane Austen purists in general do not like Mansfield Park 1999, but I actually kind of love it. It veers from the book in it's portrayal of Fanny, but I am not particularly a Fanny "fan" so to speak! The fact that the film makers injected Fanny with a large dose of Jane Austen herself actually improved the film in my opinion. And until we get a properly done Mansfield Park (I understand the BBC Mansfield Park from 1983-with Jonny Lee Miller as Charles Price!-is good but very dated looking now) this is the best one we have. Jonny Lee Miller's Edmund is kind of adorable, I think. No wonder Frances O'Connor is snogging him in the photo above!

Jonny Lee Miller and Robert Carlyle in Plunkett & Macleane 1999
In Plunkett & Macleane, a quirky film about a pair of 18th century thieves, Jonny teams up with the wonderful Robert Carlyle, his costar in Trainspotting. A little action, a little comedy, a little techno music and some anachronistic clothing, and you have a nice evening's rental.

Angelina Jolie and Jonny Lee Miller in Hackers 1995
And if you want to see him in his youth, Jonny Lee Miller met his first wife, Angelina Jolie on the set of their film Hackers 1995, about a pair of genius teen computer hackers. Quite a smoking hot couple, despite the awful hairdos!

So here's to a real cutie, Jonny Lee Miller. He has a few vampire films coming out soon (Dark Shadows and Byzantium) but I am hoping for more period drama.

P.S. His new TV series on CBS Elementary, starting September 27 is actually a modern day version of Sherlock Holmes set in NYC.  I can't wait for this even though it is too much to hope that it will be as good as Sherlock with Benedict Cumberbatch (basically the original British version of the same). Fingers crossed for Elementary, my dears.


  1. I can't take the late 70s-early 80s BBC adaptations. They feel like watching a recording of a play from that time.

    I prefer the 1999 Mansfield Park to the more recent ITV version with Billie Piper, largely with the mix of Jane Austen into the Fanny character. It made me want Austen's history of England because of the bit in the movie.

    1. Yes the old BBC adaptations suffer a lot from video tape wash-out too instead of the lush colour we get from film, even on TV. I agree that there is a bit more stage acting feel to them as well.

      Glad I'm not the only one to prefer Mansfield Park 1999 to the Billie Piper bleached blonde abomination. The way they had the little girl playing young Fanny with dark eyebrows and bleached hair was criminal!

  2. Hi Jenny,
    I watched Byron. I enjoyed it, but it was frustrating watching the brilliant Byron self destruct. Acting of course, was amazing. Sally Hawkins appears briefly as Mary Shelley.
    I was unaware of the 1983 version of Mansfield Park, and will definitely have to look for it!
    As I mentioned before the new Emma is also my favourite. It came along just as I was going through Jonny Lee Miller withdrawal after the cancellation of Eli Stone. Did you watch that show? It was my favourite program on TV that year. Such a creative concept.
    What's up with Jonny and vampires? I just found out he's in another vamp. flick called Dracula 2000, starring along side, Justine Waddell. Have you seen that one?

    1. Haha! Jonny in 3 vampire films? Apparently Dracula 2000 is good campy fun if you like that kind of film. I like the sound of that one!

      I never saw Eli Stone but it sounds great. I'll have to watch for it in reruns.

  3. Watched all the 70's/80's Austen works and I actually enjoy the story lines. Yes, the characters are kind of hard to look at and it's definitely not like todays costumes etc. But the storyline in a couple at least seem more to the story written. I liked the 1999 Mansfield Park but I can't stand the one with Billie Piper. Blond abomination I agree. She looked like an idiot. Fanny was not an idiot. Just moral and tho' less dramatic quite on target with her opinions for the most part. Yes, we can all picture it if she had ended up with Crawford etc. But that's what variations are for. Emma isn't my favorite but I do prefer Jeremy to Johnny. ah, such a variety of opinion. how nice.

    1. My sister will be very happy that some of my readers agree with her that Jeremy is the definitive Mr. Knightley! I may have to find the version of Mansfield Park 1983 when JLM was only 11. It would be worth it just for that.

  4. I've seen Byron - I think. I can't for the life of me remember if I actually saw the second part or no - which probably says something, though what exactly I don't know.:) I thought it was well-made, and that Jonny Lee Miller was very good in it - but I didn't like Byron, personally, at all.

    As for the '80s dramas - I don't care one iota about the "dated" look - give me verisimillitude (sp?) over fancy camera-work & settings any time; though obviously, I don't really mind both.:) I liked the '80s version of Mansfield Park - haven't seen any of the newer ones - but yeah, I'm probably a Jane Austen purist, so I'd probably still prefer the older one. It's not that I love it beyond the possibility of anything else ever really taking its place (like the Timothy Dalton Jane Eyre - he IS Mr Rochester for me; Mr Rochester was not just some glowering sullen type!); I think there is room for improvement, but as people nowadays just can't seem to stop themselves from tinkering with the plot & characters, I doubt this will happen for me. The book is not my favourite Jane Austen - which is a position jointly held by "Pride & Prejudice" and "Persuasion" - but I have no problems with Fanny Price; after all, we cannot all be extroverted go-getters!


    1. It sounds like Byron is a hard subject to enjoy.

      If you're a purist, I'd recommend you giving both modern MPs a wide berth for different reasons.

      Did you like P&P 1995 and Persuasion 1995 adaptations? I'd say they are both pretty good for verisimilitude and the pretty cinematography and settings. I guess there was some tinkering with the latest Emma with JLM but I'm still sold. But Mansfield Park and Northanger Abbey haven't really a modern version for the purists. Soon I hope.

    2. Oh, yes! Loved P&P - and Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle were wonderful, of course! The only gripe I had, really, with Persuasion was that it was too short - I'd have liked it to have been longer, but that is a kind of praise, in a way.:)

      And yes, I had guessed that about both MPs - that is not to say that I may not watch both/either eventually - if for nothing else than that there is probably a pretty costume or two to look at. (Yes, I'm shallow.:))


  5. After watching JLM's Knightley I did rent the other Emmas to compare the roles. For me, he wins hands down. He and Romola had a wonderful chemistry. If you still have not seen Eli Stone, it is so worth it to buy the 2 seasons on DVD. Best show ever. Did enjoy him in Byron...but did not like the sleazy guy he played. Excellent choice for actor of the week! Wish he would pick more likable characters though. What's with the vampires?

  6. JLM is my Mr Knightlely! He is perfect.

  7. Hi Jenny:
    Apparently CBS has picked up Elementary, so it's a go! Here is a link to an interview with Jonny and Lucy about the show.

    With regards to Eli Stone, you should try to find it on utube. Cheers.

  8. i enjoyed both Jeremy and Jonny as Mr Knightly - can't debate on a preference there but my first choice for Emma's character is Romola and loved Jonny and Frances MP. haven't seen alot of JLM but i am looking forward to Elementary (saw a trailer and it does look quite promising). i'm going to look out for Eli Stone too - thank you Olga. i loved the older Dracula movies (costume dramas too?) but they must have a good story to it.

    1. Hi mommbsta (great name, by the way!) I was not familiar with JLM until I watched Eli Stone, but I've become a big fan since, and have watched many of his performances, old and new, with the exception of his stint on Dexter last year. I tried, but couldn't do it. That show is just a little too creapy for me.

  9. hi Olga, thank you. it was not until Emma and MP that i started to appreciate JLM but Eli Stone does look very good and i'm definitely looking out for Elementary.
    i never got Dexter from the get go.

  10. Jonny Lee and Jeremy were both wonderful as Mr. knightly...I enjoyed both of them... I just see in the eyes of Jonny an expressIon of love,from his heart. His interpretation of Mr. knightly was
    Perfect.. I wish he were real or for real.. Thanks to Jonny and Jeremy for make me dream with
    my Mr. knightly.. I can compose again a new love song...from USA:

    1. Hi Giselle. I even liked Mark Strong's portrayal of Mr. Knightley but I do think JLM is my fave. What a sweetie!

  11. Hi Jenny:

    I noticed that you had an ad stating that Elementary is starting on CBS this Thursday. I thought it was starting on Sept. 27th. I tried to find a start date of July 19th, but I can't find anything??? Do you know where you found this information? If it's on this Thursday, I want to watch it!

    1. You are totally right Olga. I don't know how I got that erroneous info. I will correct that right now. I was all excited about it too! Oh, well, Sept will come soon...


  12. Thanks Jenny. I guess I will just patiently wait until Sept:)
