
Friday, September 16, 2011

Jennifer Ehle- Actor of the Week

Jennifer Ehle
Jennifer Ehle's career has really taken off in the last year or so. Most of us know Jennifer as the definitive Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice 1995 (OK, you younger ones think it is Keira Knightley but your elders know better!).

Jennifer Ehle as Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice
Total geeks like me also know that she wanted this part so badly that she dyed her naturally blond eyebrows dark before her audition so that when they put the dark Lizzy wig on her, she looked like a brunette. And that she had a little fling with Colin Firth during the filming of Pride and Prejudice. Well, who could blame her...I mean he was Mr. Darcy!

Jennifer Ehle and Jeremy Northam in Possession
And how many of us would give our right arm (first born?) to be snuggling and holding hands with Jeremy Northam as Jennifer is in this photo from Possession? Hmm...haven't seen that in a while. Pretty sure I bought the DVD...

Jennifer Ehle as Myrtle Logue in The King's Speech with Geoffrey Rush and Colin Firth
And if you are a true Pride and Prejudice geek like I am, you got a real thrill watching The King's Speech and seeing Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle on screen together again. Even if it was just for a minute. That was one adorable scene!

Jennifer Ehle as the ghost of an ex-wife with Patrick Wilson in A Gifted Man

I was surprised to find out that she is co-starring in a network TV show this fall. Here is the synopsis from CBS:  When a well-known surgeon begins seeing his dead ex-wife he starts questioning the meaning of life and his place in the world. 'A Gifted Man' begins this Fall on CBS!

Early reviews are surprisingly good considering the unusual premise. Here's hoping! Friday nights at 8 o'clock if you're interested.

Jennifer Ehle as scientist Ally Hextall in Contagion with Laurence Fishburne
And the rest of the world is just now discovering the talents of this wonderful woman in the adult "horror film" Contagion. This one will have us washing our hands for months (years?) but it is so great to see two such capable actresses (Jennifer Ehle and Kate Winslet) playing scientists in a credible manner. Role models for all the young aspiring female scientists! Yay!

As an actress who can switch from an English accent to an American one at the drop of a hat she should have a good long career ahead of her on both continents. The only other actress who can do that as easily is Gillian Anderson (they were both raised on both continents).  And as a two time Tony Award winner and a BAFTA winner she doesn't have to prove that she can act.

So here's hoping we see a lot more of the lovely Jennifer Ehle.

The King's SpeechPride and Prejudice (Restored Edition)PossessionContagionSunshineWilde (Special Edition)


  1. @Anonymous-

    Why need I volumes, if one word suffice?
    Ralph Waldo Emerson

  2. I assume your question about Jeremy Northam was rhetorical? One of my favorite actors. A Gifted Man looks interesting. Thanks for the heads up.

  3. @Mary- Glad I am preaching to the choir when it comes to Mr. Jeremy Northam. He is yummy isn't he? Have you seen him in Dean Spanley? V. cute!

    I'll be watching A Gifted Man on Friday at 8. It's going to bring a whole new meaning to TGIF. It'll make waiting for Downton a little easier too!

  4. I love Jennifer Ehle! She has such a sweet face, I can gladly stare at her for hours. :) I too got a thrill seeing her in The King's Speech. Thanks for the head's up about the new tv show. I hope her role is not just a cameo.
    I look forward to seeing Contagion. I saw the trailer at the theatre before seeing Captain America this summer. (I was there to see Richard Armitage!)

  5. @phylly3-I believe that she will be in every episode as the premise seems to be that she is a ghost haunting her ex-husband and prodding him to become a better man. I saw Captain America too and for the same reason ;) Haven't worked up the courage to see Contagion yet. I might wash my hands for days after a la Lady MacBeth!

  6. She is the best Elizabeth Bennet ever and my favourite! KK was rubbish!

    Leeds. x

    1. Keira Knightley was not rubbish! What a statement. She was a lovely Elizabeth to a lovely Darcy in a different version and interpretation of Pride and Prejudice.

  7. Oh no, we have a difference of opinion between two Kates! Although I have a slight preference for Jennifer Ehle, Keira Knightley is a supremely talented actress and she did a great job of playing Lizzy B. Does that sound like a diplomatic response?

    I'm glad that my readers are so passionate about their favourites!

  8. i admire them both, each for their own contribution to the characters. it would probably become boring if for every adaptation the characters were to be too identical.

  9. the good thing is that we may have individual opinions on which window gives the best view of a beautiful garden but we all agree that the garden is beautiful.

    i liked Capt. America but after N&S i liked it even more...

    1. Hi Mommbsta, Captain America had not only Richard Armitage :):):) but also JJ Feild in it. Period drama cuties! I dragged my hubby to see that in the theatres. Totally worth it even though RA was a baddie and didn't have a big part.

  10. you are so all worthy Jenny...i knew that i enjoyed the movie for other reasons now i have another reason to see it again...Feild is so easy on the eyes and ears.
    whenever i watch a movie with my husband and son(normally action type)i'm always pointing out the actors from my period dramas - male or female.

  11. My favorite Elizabeth Bennett portrayal is done by Jennifer Ehle. Keira Knightly is a good actress and I would not refer to her as rubbish in P&P but her portrayal of Elizabeth Bennett in my eyes was too contemporary and out of character for a female of that period. The ending where she is alone with Mr. Darcy and dressed only in her nightgown and robe is not credible for a regency period film. This is just one one of few examples in the film I read P&P so to me Jennifer Ehle did a more accurate portrayal of EB. Mr favorite Mr. Darcy is not Colin Firth though although he did a great job. I prefer Matthew MacFadyen's version of Mr. Darcy. MacFadyen's version was more passionate and showed more feeling.

  12. I didn't mean to cause a stir about Keira Knightley, my apologies. She just isn't Elizabeth Bennet to me, Jennifer Ehle is. x

  13. we all get carried away (at least sometimes) when delivering our personal views - isn't it amazing how we are affected by stories and characters because of how they are written? i probably would feel the same way over a new character for John Thornton. to collarcitybrownstone - i get what you are saying re the etiquette of women of that time - but for the personality that Keira played - if i was from that period i would have been proud of her confidence - one step towards the modern woman?

  14. Sorry, but Greer Gars on will always be EB to me along with Sir Olivier as Mr. Darcy...and I am young-well, sort of!

    1. Ah, but was Greer Garson the first Elizabeth Bennet you saw? I think your first EB is usually (although not always) your fave. I love them all but JE was the first one I saw, and still my fave, but only just! GG also spectacular.

  15. I absolutely love Jennifer Ehle. Of course, being from teh 1995 P&P Generation, she is my absolute favourite. I don't dislike Keira Knightly but I dislike that she seems to be playing all the classic characters, lately. Really, there is nobody else who could have played Anna Karenina, for example? A whole generation of filmviewers is growing up who thinks any woman before the 1900s looked like Keira Knightley. ;-)
    Back to Jennifer. And Jeremy, both wonderful actors. I loved them both in Possession. But then, the next trouble, probably, there is no better Mr. Darcy than Colin Firth!!!

  16. I may be of the younger generation, BUT I prefer Jennifer Ehle to Keira Knightley in P&P. Keira is an okay actress, but seriously she isn't too talented. Jennifer so much more talented.

  17. The script for 2005 is online and the dumbing down of JA's dialogue, especially the difficult Lizzie/Lady Catherine confrontation, showed little respect for their target audience or KK's acting ability.

  18. Jennifer Ehle is the best Ms. Elizabeth Bennet. She has breathed life into the character of Lizzy. She plays the role very effortlessly. Her smile, her smirk, her voice and her expressions everything is just perfect. Her chemistry with Colin Firth is amazing.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. It is great that I found that blog and a big pleasure to dig in those older posts. I just re-watched the "old" pride and prejudice version of 1995 after watching the newer one with Keira K. Both have their beauty in interpretation, while Jennifer Ehle fills the role so much better and more as I imagined it after re-reading the book. What I truly love in KK's play is the scene with her father in the end, how she expresses her love and her father is so moved. Touching. While with J. Ehle, the actor who plays her father is more like the book - still keeping his distance. In the newer version, the father shows more affection for his daughters and also for his wife, after the proposal of Mr. Bingley. That scene had some warmth, while the 1995 there is just distance and irony - and a most annoying (well played) mother. Jennifer Ehle plays lovely and I enjoyed her acting very much. As Colin Firth will remain the ultimate Mr. Darcy for me. Being no English mother tongue (greetings from Germany at this place :)), I prefer watching and reading those movies/ works of J. Austen in the original, for the beauty of language. A translation is never the same.

  21. just to add - a bit off topic... but the role of the beautiful sister Jane. I prefer the actrice who plays the modern version. She acts more natural... - so far my humble opinions.
