
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

William and Kate- I just can't get enough!

William & Kate, the American made-for-TV film by Lifetime
OK, I am a totally sad anglophile who is eating up all of the total crap on television this week leading up to the "Royal Wedding of the Century" on Friday. I just can't help myself! BBC Canada is feeding my habit by running royalty related shows in the evening every night this week and Lifetime ran it's William and Kate American made docudrama recently. Of course it was cheesy, but I couldn't rip myself away from the TV!

Nico Evers-Swindell as William and Camilla Luddington as Catherine Middleton
Yes, they did do things like stick a red phone box on an LA street and pretend it is London (same with double-decker buses). The accents on the lead characters float in and out because William is played by a Kiwi and Kate is portrayed by a blue blooded Brit who has been living and acting in LA for quite a while. But none of this seemed to matter as I lapped it right up.  I occasionally rolled my eyes at the more unbelievable scenes such as the showdown between William and Charles about how Diana was treated or much worse, the scene where William sings karaoke to Kate in public to apologize for his behavior. Ouch!

I cannot explain why I got up early 30 years ago to watch William's parents get married, and I cannot explain why I stayed glued to the TV bawling 14 years ago when Diana died. The film The Queen was likewise riveting for me as it brought back so many memories associated with Diana and the Royals.

Wills and Kate who seem to be truly in love
So all I can say is that I will definitely be hitting the hay early on Thursday night so I can get up at about 5:00 eastern time to catch the ceremony before I have to go to work. My sister promised to phone me so that we can chat as we watch it together on TV over our respective coffee cups and analyze everything until the "Big Kiss Moment on the Balcony" is over and we have to get our showers and get on with our days. At the last big one 30 years ago, we were in the same room, so this will be the next best thing.

Cheers, and I hope everyone gets enough sleep on Thursday night!

And now I think I'll see what CNN has to say about the wedding. Piers Morgan is as excited about this wedding as I am!


  1. I switched shifts with a coworker so that I could have an extra hour before I go to work! And I'll have to do the same as you and have a phone chat with my sis instead of watching together as we did so memorably all those years ago for Diana & Charles.

    I did watch the tv movie as well. I wasn't going to but my sis and daughter made it fun to endure together :)

  2. Glad you have been bitten by the royal bug too. I can't stop watching this stuff! I just watched a video on which tiara they think Kate will wear. I wonder if anyone is speculating on her shoes yet?!
    If they do, I will be watching it.

    Have fun with your sister. Let's hope this one has a truly happy ending.

  3. I've seen a couple of blogs post about her shoes and you can even wager on whether or not the soles of her shoes are red?! But what about blue? OR the Union Jack imprinted but then again I guess she would be stomping on the national flag so perhaps not!
    As much as I'm looking forward to the event, I am getting so tired of all the media talk and every channel trying to convince me that I should watch their exclusive coverage. I'm looking forward to Friday - being able to watch it and then all of us getting on with our lives - as regular as they may be :)

  4. Is it Jimmy Choo who has the red soles? I'd never pay that much so I have no idea. I'd love it if she went with something like your friend the Duchess of Devonshire makes. Now those are shoes!

    I actually stopped watching-too busy in the last day or so. So now I am going to go to bed early tonight and enjoy my coffee in the morning while I'm watching the fun. Have a good day tomorrow!
