
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Costume for JASNA Portland -Trying for the "Regency Look"

Regency dress for the Bal Masque
Amethyst cross
White ballet shoes

I am very excited and slightly apprehensive about attending my first gathering of the Jane Austen Society of North America next Wednesday in Portland Oregon.  I am excited because I will be away with my sister and among people with similar interests, all intent on having fun.  I am slightly apprehensive because I don't know quite what to expect.  So I am rather obsessing about being ready for the Bal Masque on Saturday Oct 30.  I am trying to get my costume as period as possible without paying too much.  Huzzah for Ebay.
As well as what you see above, all purchased from Ebay, the crowning jewel being the dress ordered from Marion May in the UK, who I can highly recommend.  I got a real steal on it as she seemed to be clearing it out on Ebay, and it just happened to be the right size.
I got very cute masks from the dollar store for $1.25 each, so I got three to chose from (we can give one away to someone who needs a mask at the Ball).

I have also been sewing evening bags for my sister and I (called reticules), which meant breaking out my sewing machine for the first time in years.  The results are above.  I tried to emulate ones from the Jane Austen Centre in Bath, England as they were so pretty.
And the hair situation was an issue as neither my sister or I fuss with our hair too much, so I got fabric covered hair bands, white for me and black for my sis.  She is dressing up a regular black dress to look Period by adding a shawl, gloves, etc.  Oh, yes, I found us some long white gloves, 8 bucks a pair, to add the finishing touches.
Well, what do you think?  Will we pass muster?


  1. Lovely Jenny. You have done much better than myself with the theme. I could only muster a Georgian ruffle blouse and a pashima paisley shawl. The frock is beautiful. I'm sure you will look lovely, and I hope we meet.

    Cheers, Laurel Ann

  2. Thanks Laurel Ann and your outfit sounds lovely and likely much more comfy than mine. My sister started with just a plain black dress and a blue shawl, and I have been adding things for her! We do have a spare mask which I will pop in my reticule if you would like it. I should pick up a bunch more at that price, they are really cute. See you there-soon!

  3. Jenny, Dan and I enjoyed meeting you at the JASNA AGM lunch in Astoria today. I am really looking forward to seeing you in Regency costume on Saturday night!

  4. Hi Paul, my sis and I had fun at lunch today too. Are you guys dressing up Saturday? And...does Dan have any good recommendations for restaurants in Portland? May be a quick bite tonight however.
