
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Colin Firth the fan fave at TIFF for The King's Speech

Well I have to admit I was skeptical about Colin Firth's new film.  After all, the topic of a friendship between Queen Elizabeth's father Bertie (aka King George VI) and his Australian speech therapist, hired to help with his stutter, seemed a little unlikely to be a box office hit.  But it is getting Oscar buzz as the latest Slumdog Millionaire breakout hit of the Toronto International Film Festival.  And Colin had Toronto eating out of his hand at the TIFF premiere for "The King's Speech".

Colin Firth has seduced Toronto and it's film critics.  I was in the big city for a wedding on Sept 10 and all the papers were atwitter with Colin Firth and his 50th birthday celebrations in Toronto during the festival.  There were some rather humourous comparisons of his career and that of Hugh Grant who turned 50 the day before, on Sept 9.  Colin's Oscar nomination for A Single Man last year and now more Oscar buzz for The King's Speech are making Hugh's recent career choices look bad.  And Colin himself, as well as his career, is looking great especially after being touched by the Tom Ford style magic last year which now makes him look perfectly turned out for every premiere.  Colin responded to being asked about his Bridget Jones nemesis with the statement : "I'm still younger than that old bugger!"

About a Boy (Movie Tie-In)And then there is Hugh Grant, a perpetual Peter Pan, who has now actually turned into his character from About a Boy.  Really, could they have cast that role any better?  But that film was from 2002.  Now his latest offering of Did You Hear About the Morgans? stunk so badly you can still smell it from here in Waterloo.  He used to do Rom/Com brilliantly but perhaps his heart isn't in it anymore.  I hope Hugh Grant's best work is not behind him, but he really seems to be on autopilot.  Even the enjoyable Music and Lyrics from 2007 didn't quite have the energy it could have (although the dancing was hilarious).

But for Colin Firth, everything he touches these days turns to gold.   Colin's wife in this (The Queen Mum) is played by Helena Bonham Carter, who although not my fave actress is getting good reviews for her Elizabeth.  Actually I have to say that her film Lady Jane from 1986 with Carey Elwes (Westley from Princess Bride) is well worth watching if you can find it.  Her Lady Jane Grey will break your heart.

And Geoffrey Rush is cast as the Australian speech therapist who uses some unorthodox methods to achieve his wonderful results helping lifelong stutterers.  His wife is portrayed by Jennifer Ehle, whom I am dying to see on the screen with her co-star from Pride and Prejudice.  I mean, not only did they do the best ever screen portrayal of Lizzy and Darcy, but they had a little fling of their own during filming.  Surely this was responsible for that amazing on screen chemistry.  In any case, you know where I will be on the weekend of 10 Dec.  Anyone else excited about this one?


  1. Welcome to the blog world! Great post; nice blog!
    Jane Austen Today
    Jane Austen's World

  2. Dear Jenny:
    Although I've forgotten how to get my picture up next to my comments (you know how technologically forgetful I can be), I am determined to go back through your entries - well, for October and September, anyway - and sprinkle comments throughout!
    I was keeping an eye open here in Toronto for Colin, but (alas) our paths did not cross - and I'm not the kind who will hang about in front of hotels and with red carpet crowds - so I missed seeing him. Although I'm sure that if he had wandered into my local Starbucks, I might have gone all "Bridget Jones" on him, so perhaps it's all for the best!
    I'm glad that his latest film garnered good reviews - I'll be watching it ASAP as well and we'll compare notes. He's certainly making better (and more mature) film role choices than the fella with the floppy hair who also is 50! C'mon, Hugh, you deserve better than "Did You Hear About the Morgans?" - in fact, we all do!
    Anyway, Happy Birthday, Colin Firth!
    Your Big Sister

  3. I am really looking forward to seeing this movie. Such a shy man thrust into the limelight, and he pulled it off. :) Mary

  4. Dec 10th is getting closer Mary, so not much longer to wait. I have a few friends interested in seeing this one, so I am trying to organize a "Ladies Movie Night" where we see the early show and then go out for coffee/tea. Too bad Dec gets so busy, but seeing Colin Firth playing King George VI will make for a lovely break in the craziness of the holiday season!
